
Over this summer I worked as an engineering intern for INTGR8 Technologies. The main project I worked on was to develop a system that could control a vehicles speed and acceleration, among other things. This project taught me how a complex mechatronics system works in tandem with a vehicle as well as the safety implications that come with its development. Additionally, it helped me improve my skills in MATLAB, Simulink, Fusion 360, DBC, encoding/decoding, using the most efficient data types, building harnesses, and much more.

The Project

Due to confidentiality reasons (since it is the design of INTGR8 Technologies), I won't go into specific detail about the design. I will say that my boss and I were the two main people working on this entire project so I learned about every aspect of the system. I didn't design the PCB boards, however I did design and 3D print cases for them. I also built multiple harnesses to connect the controllers to the vehicle (which included wire cutting, soldering, splicing and wire protection) and installed one of them in an actual vehicle. I constantly compiled and uploaded code to the controllers and safely conducted in vehicle testing. Additionally, on top of editing the code, I also used simulations as well as other methods to analyze how everything was working.