This was my capstone (4th year design project) semester long design project that I completed with the help of four group members. We were tasked to create the steering and front suspension system for Queen's University's Shell Eco-Marathon team.
This project developed my abilities in problem scoping, decision making and idea generation, as well as tested my knowledge of engineering codes and regulations. This project's proposed final design considered economic, societal and environmental impacts.
Click here to view a pdf of the final report.
The Project
The scope of the project is defined by the rule book provided by Shell, which dictates
certain requirements for each system. The scope is reasonably open, and mainly requires a steering
system and front suspension system that function and fit with the chassis. The functional requirements of
each system are based heavily on cost, ease of installation, and weight. The goal of each system design is
to optimize each requirement to best meet the team’s needs. The Shell rulebook shows basic
requirements for the entire care, such as height, weight, and other specifics. For this project the rules
being considered are those in the steering and suspension sections, which are all quite standard and leave
room for creativity.
Before selecting each type of system, alternative ideas were explored. For the steering
system, a rack and pinion design, an arm joint design, and a ball joint design were considered. After
evaluating each idea with a weighted matrix, the rack and pinion design was selected due to its light
weight, cost and dependability. The final steering design uses the rack and pinion, but also explores
spindle, control arm, wheels, hubs and brake designs.
For the suspension system, leaf and coil springs, as well as driver seat and air suspension were considered. Using the same matrix system as a selection tool,
the driver seat suspension system was selected, due to its simplicity. Although not a typical system seen
in full size cars, for the scope of this project and the Eco-marathon event the suspension seat suits the
car’s needs. In addition to the seat, rubber pucks have been added between the spindles and the frame
to dampen the vibration from the motor. Due to the smooth nature of the track, a full front suspension
system is not required, the combination of the seat and pucks fit the needs of the vehicle.
The car will
experience various forces during the race, the largest sum of forces possible being the dynamic loading
from hitting a large bump in the track, the dynamic loading from braking, and the dynamic loading from
turning all occurring simultaneously. To ensure the steering system will not fail under these conditions, a
thorough ANSYS analysis was done on the spindle mounting column, replicating the worst-case scenario
with an additional 1.5 times factor of safety to represent the lower strength of the welds. The design
passed by a large margin because of the combination of aluminum beams and steel bolts.
The original
budget for this designed system started at $1500 CAD, as the project progressed that became less and
less feasible to meet the client’s needs. After a meeting with the eco-marathon team, the total cost came
out to $3900 CAD, which was accepted by the team. The closing of this project comes with four main
deliverables in addition to this report: a detailed CAD drawing of each design, a parts list, an economic
analysis (which has been included in this report), and full assembly instructions for the designed system
Figure Descriptions
Figure 1: The steering system.
Figure 2: The spindle.
Figure 3: The hub and brake assembly (from external source - see references in attached pdf)
Figure 4: ANSYS analysis of a designed member used to mount the spindle - forces
Figure 5: ANSYS analysis of a designed member used to mount the spindle - stress
Figure 6: ANSYS analysis of a designed member used to mount the spindle - deformation
Figure 7: The given chassis
Note: The given chassis, created by a team a year prior, was initially not supposed to be changed.
It ended up being partially changed to accommodate the steering system. It was also recommended that
the given design should not be used as it was determined that there was concern for the design's safety due to the
nature of the small connectors, set screws, carbon fiber tubes, and minimal analysis done in the initial design. If
the chassis design is decided to be used, it was recommended that the entire bottom layer of members in the chassis
be made from aluminum.